
The first Telling since officers have been announced went rather well. Debia’s method of lecture throws me off sometimes, and her  in-character bridge of the 4th wall and ‘backward revelation” of power was an interesting theme.

Afterwards I offered a tour, as even some of the new officers have not been in the Tower itself in some time. One of them is a faithful of Mularos, one of the few Arkati creeds that blends well with the culture of the Dhe’nar. I felt that tension, and though I found it incredibly amusing – I did manage to be reminded of that pleasure that our culture and her creed gain from pain. I will bring that up in my lecture on torture.

Meanwhile, I see an opportunity that Debia will likely take advantage of. She’s always enjoyed teasing me, as we have known each other for decades. To now have conspirators will definitely now be a challenge.

I do enjoy a challenge.

About Vorrith

Ah, the personality profile. I suspect that if you found this, you already know who and what I am. I am Dhe'nar, first and foremost - as the Family is the key to Unity. My role is Lorekeeper; I teach and tell the stories of our people and of the realm to understand better our place in it. Finally, as a bard - I do what bards do best and pluck the heartstrings of others, creating with them the melodies of love, of loss, of tragedy or humor.
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