Catching Up

My shira’qa has passed her requirements to gain red silk. She’s ecstatic that her hard work has paid off, though the world at large doesn’t really acknowledge it. She’s officially a trained slave, for all intents and purposes. It has taken her half a year to both succeed, and to realize that being a slave does not earn her respect or acknowledgement from anyone. She knows now that she is Talinvor’s slave, and even so – she enjoys belonging to him.

I’ve moved to Ta’Illistim for a time, joining my brother Surion there. While I rarely see him (which is normal), I do still enjoy the banter. Several others of the Tower have arrived as well – Debia and Varucca. While Varucca has been rather aloof, Debia has been relatively engaged since she enjoys the city. It amuses her that she has more rights in the city than us Dhe’nar.

Our Tellings at the Tower have continued. We now have eleven successful events, plus the additional Frontier Days one I did a couple months back. It is more activity than the Tower has seen in years. Even so, apparently the prior leadership of the Tower made some deep wounds in their wake and it’s been an effort to change perceptions. Debia has made some very good strides in alleviating a lot of concerns, but people have held onto grudges for years. Almost a year now, and it’s been a very difficult road.

Alisaire, who was q’hala years before I was introduced to the Tower had returned. She was given an officer position when we needed support for administration and wanted to complete her training. She did, successfully.  Debia, who was trained by the priesthood, examined her blood, and I performed a blood rite – spilling my blood in wine, then Alisaire spilled her own into the goblet. Together we drank – a symbolic gesture to include her as part of the family. Teasing us both, Debia admonished that other cultures use blood to make matrimonial vows. Reminding her that we are Dhe’nar, did nothing to stifle her teasing. Being cousin, and the chairman of the Tower certainly has its perks. Hmph.

Time is counting down to when I will begin promoting my new club, The Black Iron Chalice. Maybe just Black Chalice.. Iron Chalice? Either or. It is an entirely new style of organization, based on a business model, rather than a boardroom style leadership structure. I am concerned that there will be more people wanting to check it out, but not willing to work the roles I need to keep it moving forward. We shall see. I can only hope I can keep up with it all, as the Tower will still be my stable focus.


About Vorrith

Ah, the personality profile. I suspect that if you found this, you already know who and what I am. I am Dhe'nar, first and foremost - as the Family is the key to Unity. My role is Lorekeeper; I teach and tell the stories of our people and of the realm to understand better our place in it. Finally, as a bard - I do what bards do best and pluck the heartstrings of others, creating with them the melodies of love, of loss, of tragedy or humor.
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