Faendryl Mode

From the outside, it would be fascinating to watch – a bunch of Dhe’nar jockeying for power and control in a small outpost so far from Sharath, as to be nearly pointless. A culture so enmeshed in claiming to be family, but more eager to stab each other in the back than Faendryl in the Patriarch’s court.

Yet, this council has little overall impact to anything but themselves. The Council of Sharath still exists, as do small councils at every outpost. The Obsidian Tower’s council is a self-serving group, as it always has been. Misfit Dhe’nar that were relinquished from their caste duties founded the Tower so far from home, the infighting has recycled and recycled again – sometimes with the same people.

From the inside, it will interesting to watch – a bunch of Dhe’nar jockeying for power and control and each with their own agenda. Honor and respect do not exist in this council. Three former highlords, with egos to match are guaranteed to combust.

One, who sees the council as a means to an end to get control of the CHE which is already backfiring. Another, who sees the council as a means to levy his obsession with a half-elf that rebuked his advances to be his pet over 10 years ago. The third, having been a harsh taskmaster – may find it difficult to serve his former student.


About Vorrith

Ah, the personality profile. I suspect that if you found this, you already know who and what I am. I am Dhe'nar, first and foremost - as the Family is the key to Unity. My role is Lorekeeper; I teach and tell the stories of our people and of the realm to understand better our place in it. Finally, as a bard - I do what bards do best and pluck the heartstrings of others, creating with them the melodies of love, of loss, of tragedy or humor.
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