Obsidian Legion

The Obsidian Legion’s head is the Council’s Warlord, the Ta’Krak’th

Service under the Warlord can be performed by any race or gender, as long as they are faithful to The Way, and are loyal to the Dhe’nar.

Next in service is as follows:

Ta’ach’tha Sha’la – Marshall.

Lo’ach’tha – Captain. The captain leads warrior groups of 20, which are called sesachta’a

 Hiq’tha – First Lieutenant. The first lieutenant commands the                                                                        first group of 10 warriors which are called ta’tesachta’a.

 Hiq’thor – Second Lieutenant. The second lieutenant commands                                                                    the second group of 10 warriors which are called                                                                               lo’tesachta’a

Vra’tha – First Sergeant

Jvraui – Corporal

Liastha’a  [lit. warrior] – Legionaire/Private