Out with the old, In with the new

Every new year comes with challenges and breakthroughs. The prior culture of the Obsidian Tower left the result in shambles. There were no officers, no new members and only a handful of active players that logged in regularly. The Tower has been in danger numerous times of being closed for inactivity and no officers. There’s been a lot of bad blood also, both internal and external that we have struggled through.

This past year was all about repair. We focused on promoting the culture, engaging with the community, holding monthly Tower events, participation in community events, gaining new officers and holding monthly officer meetings. It has been a long process, and not all the damage is mended. We still lack new people, and the Tower can’t progress, move on or grow without that. Our future looks to be merely a holding pattern, until something amazing happens.

The question remains though, what is there left to do in order to see something amazing? With the low population, how can we attract role-players? Are there any left that still have the interest?

My new MHO, The Black Iron Chalice is my hope to attract some renewed interest in role-play. We’ll see how it goes.

About Vorrith

Ah, the personality profile. I suspect that if you found this, you already know who and what I am. I am Dhe'nar, first and foremost - as the Family is the key to Unity. My role is Lorekeeper; I teach and tell the stories of our people and of the realm to understand better our place in it. Finally, as a bard - I do what bards do best and pluck the heartstrings of others, creating with them the melodies of love, of loss, of tragedy or humor.
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