Obsidian Tower – Council Chairs

In Dhe’nar culture, the Obsidian Tower is the epitome of law. It is by their judgement that helps guide us toward Unity.

There are five Council chairs:

Ta’la’hai/Ta’la’hah – HighLord. [lit. High Lord/Lady] This seat heads the council, and can be a Dhe’nar of any Caste or gender. Generally must have held a previous Chair position. The Highlord has no vote within the Council, but acts as mediator

Ta’a’flach – Essence. [lit. High Blade]. This is in reference to the name of wizards as ‘blades of power’ This seat rules the Warlock Caste.

Ta’lo’mai/Ta’lo’mah – [lit. High Priest(ess)]. This seat rules the Priesthood Caste

Ta’krak’th – Warlord. [lit. High Battle-leader].  This seat rules the Warrior Caste

Ku’utare – Balance. [lit. Not rotten/crooked]. This seat “balances” the nobility, and often helps represent the Worker Caste within the council. This seat can be held by a Dhe’nar of any Caste or gender.