Gazda’s Dhe’nar-si phrases

As posted by Gazda’s player, February 2004

There has been discussion here of a Dark Elven town. In the dark elf folder, someone asked for some translations of Dhe’nar-si. I’ve been struggling to learn the language (mostly by trying to read philosphy texts, translating word for word), but I thought I could help out by supplying a few phrases that might be useful to anyone visiting Sharath for the first time.

I am called Gazda; what is your name? –> Gazda’ri; qual ri’dhu

It is an honor to meet you, Walk with Power. –> Harsa’ri yitar’dhu. Kris Har’esh.

I do not understand what you said. –> Ku’su’a quen sichak’dhu’te

I do not speak Dhe’nar-si well for I am not of the Firstborn. –> Ku’sichak’mhe Dhe’nar-si ku’utarez. Pakra’a’ri.

Where is the outhouse? –> Utarez’qua’ceyn?

The wine is good. How is it made? –> Shao geshar ku’utarez. Qunoi derskai’reth’te?

Where can one find a virgin? –> Neskar ku’sha’dra’qunoi?

Is there a slave market in this town? –> Pak’hala-bres’ayn’ri brescai’kam’ebra?

The sylph is not for sale. –> Sho s’ainai ku’bresca’ri.

The halfling is my friend; I beg you not to feed it to your slaves. –> Shao p’ektra’ri’mher umeshai’i. grevta’ri’dhu ku’bailenth’ke pak’halae’dhur’si.

No, I have never tasted halfling. –> Ne, bailaq’ri ku’seqrit p’eikrtra

Where are you taking me? –> Quaer’r’dhu kame’mhe?

I have never been to the undercaves of Sharath. –> Ku’seqrit’ri Lo’tha’Sharath’se